Four Birds

In Roman feasts the most precious of the meats was fowl, whether farm-raised or caught in the wild.
Game is in season now, and at The River Cafe we are cooking grouse, pheasant and partridge. With limited availability, we have other birds.
The quails and partridges are rubbed with Tuscan bay salt. We use bay in the colder months and in Tuscan markets now you find huge bunches.
The pheasant is wrapped in pancetta and stuffed with ricotta making a delicious sauce.
If you prefer chicken, ours is spatchcocked and boned—easy to carve.
For a sumptuous feast or a simple dinner Shop The River Cafe will prepare these birds and deliver to you ready to roast.
Roasted Quails with Potatoes 'al forno'
These tiny birds roast in 10 minutes.
Roast Partridge with Cime di Rapa
Braised Cime di RapaSpatchcocked Chicken
Boned and marinated with lemon, oregano and thyme—ready to grill or roast.Roast Radicchio di Treviso
Zabaglione Ice Cream
When Dada Rogers couldn't find Marsala in 1940s Britain she substituted Bristol Cream sherry and dark rum. Now we have Marsala, but continue to use her recipe.
Delicious with the Pressed Chocolate Cake.Pressed Chocolate Cake
California Partridge By John James Audubon
Photography by Matthew Donaldson
Visit Shop The River Cafe or River Cafe Gift Boxes to place your order.