Mother's Day Gifts

Mother's Day Gifts
Mother's Day Gifts

If you would like to personalise your Mother’s Day present, Shop The River Cafe is here to help you.

Send us your photo and we will put it in the frame and wrap it for you. 

Zaha Hadid’s iconic, stainless-steel Crevasse Vase will arrive with a bunch of flowers - and any of our cookbooks happily signed with a message from you.

A cake or tart from the pastry kitchen would be beautiful on one of our Venetian glass plates.

And turning over the luminous yellow bowl, you will see it was made especially for The River Cafe.

Personal is best.

Coffee Gift Set
Zaha Hadid Crevasse Vase
River Cafe Two Easy 
Rira Liquidish bowl
Champagne and Chocolate Nemesis Gift 
Carlo Moretti Venetian Glasses
Word Pixie Necklace
The River Cafe Drinks
 Box Set 
Yali x The River Incalmo Plate 
Block Picture Frame
La Molina Chocolate-coated Almonds and Hazelnuts 
Curio Drinking Set 

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