Grilling Outside

Ruthie Rogers and Rose Gray 2009
Whether you are cooking over a fire pit, on a traditional cast iron Tuscan grill, or on a portable grill so light you can carry it anywhere, grilling outdoors is one of the great pleasures of summer, and gives whatever food you are cooking a flavour unlike any other. Looking at the sunset, smelling the smoke, cooking in the fresh air, with the anticipation of dinner under the stars... What in life could possibly be—or taste—better?
Portable Grill Set. Designed and produced in Niigata, Japan, this portable grill set is our favourite. It is made of durable stainless steel and folds flat, making it easy to carry and easy to store.
Bistecca Fiorentina. The classic cut of steak from Tuscany—we do nothing more than season the meat with black pepper and sea salt, and drizzle over extra virgin olive oil when it is done.
Borlotti di Lamon. Fresh borlotti are now in season—we will cook them for you with garlic and sage.
Aged Sirloin Steak - a perfect steak to cook on an outside grill. One of the most important points to remember before cooking a sirloin steak, or any other in fact, is to be sure it comes to room temperature before going anywhere near the grill.
David Mellor Steak Knives. We use David Mellor’s 'London' steak knives in The River Cafe.
Photography by Matthew Donaldson.
We are offering free UK delivery until the 11th of June on orders over £100. Use the code SPRINGDELIVERY21 (one use per customer).
Visit Shop The River Cafe to place your order.